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 April 2015: President's Corner

Member feedback to result in significant changes.

As a member driven organization we take what our members say seriously. We have been making a significant effort to reach out for feedback, have listened to what our members are saying, and have evaluated our position in the marketplace. Based on analysis of the above we are:

1. Website Update and Digital Outreach

In an effort to continue to provide the best support and quality information to the ASAM Membership, the Board has undertaken the job of updating the ASAM website and digital outreach in 2015. In March the board approved the new design of the website and, over the next few months, we'll be working closely with Reagan Marketing + Design to update the content and launch the updated site. We're aiming for a midsummer launch, in time to support and showcase the MCOY Awards. Updates to the website will include a responsive layout so you can easily navigate on your mobile devices, and a membership portal to allow members easy access to information (e.g., upcoming events, membership lists and outlines from membership meetings). We'll also be revamping the way we communicate with you through streamlining the emails you receive. This summer you'll be receiving a survey asking what information you'd like to receive from ASAM, and we'll be tailoring emails based on interest. We'll also be taking the event signup onto the website so you can seamlessly review all upcoming meetings and RSVP in one place.

2. Events and Meetings

Revamping our general membership meetings and events process to do more with less. Unless additional special events are scheduled by the Program Committee, there will be one event per month (excepting July and August, when we will take a break to focus on running our businesses during the summer crunch ... or taking vacations). The committee is working on putting together a mix of Construction Advancement Forums, BPI's, membership meetings, and special events. Be prepared for change, as these will not be held in the same place in the same way at the same time with the same food. More information to come ... the existing format is with us through June.

3. Pipeline of Future Leadership Talent

We are looking to build a pipeline of future leadership talent and create development opportunities for you, your coworkers, and your employees. If you want to grow, you have to throw yourself into the mix, get involved and put yourself or others on the path to success. Attention bosses/owners/ managers/supervisors and control freaks: if you don't give your people water and sunshine (outside exposure), they will resemble mushrooms not superstars. If you are interested in a future Board role or participating in a committee, reach out to a Board member now; don't let the Law of Diminishing Intent undermine your ambition. Outside participation is like training: Done wisely (right place/time/people/content), there is always a return on investment.

We are continuing to take member feedback, needs, and expectations into consideration as we evolve; if you have thoughts on how we can improve any part of what we do, please reach out.

Ken Misiewicz
ASAM President

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